Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tombur Fish Recipe

Tombur Fish Ingredients:
  1. 800 g tilapia fish
  2. 200 g fried peanuts
  3. 50 g hazelnut
  1. ½ thumb (2 cm) galangal
  2. 5 cloves shallots
  3. 5 cloves garlic
  4. Lime juice to taste
  5. Salt to taste
  6. 100 g red chilli
  7. 50 g cayenne pepper
  8. 100 g powder / kecombrang / honje
  9. Sugar to taste
Cooking Directions:
  1. Marinate the tilapia fish with salt and lime juice, then grilled over charcoal embers until cooked on both sides.
  2. Roasted spices, then puree, but do not get too soft. 
  3. Roasted hazelnut and smooth mashed with roasted peanuts.
  4. Mix the spices and nuts into one, add a little water.
  5. Give the lemon juice, sugar, and salt, according to taste, resulting in a spicy , sour, sweet flavour is balanced. 
  6. Serve the grilled fish and pour sauce on top tombur.   

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