Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cheese Banana Recipe

Cheese Banana Ingredients:
First Batter:
  1. 200 Gr Wheat flour
  2. 100 Gr butter 3 tablespoons sugar
  3. 5 tablespoons of liquid milk
  4. 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
 Second Batter:
  1. 100 Gr Korsvet / White Butter
  2. 15 Bananas (Steamed and cut 5 cm)
  3. Cheese
  4. Yellow egg to spread
Coooking Recipe:
  1. Knead dough until smooth and all flat.
  2.  For those into 25 equal spheres
  3. Repeat the step above for the dough 
  4. Take a circle dough, then flat and put one dough in the middle, cover with remaining circle dough that still exist in part
  5. Repeat this step to all rounded dough until finished
  6. Milled and flat the dough, place linings and cheese in the middle, wrap round egg shape, spread top with egg yolk.
  7. Repeat this until the dough out and completed
  8. Bake in oven on medium heat 160-180 degrees for 30 minutes
  9. After cake,become golden brown remove and spread with butter surface      

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